This evening at the farm...

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We've had a couple of cold days and have accumulated a layer of ice over the snow, a lot like last winter but with not nearly as much ice, or snow. As I mentioned in my last post, our deer herd has changed dramatically this winter and even some of the deer we had in past couple of weeks have left. We have a handful however, whom are staying at the house for food and safety, and also seven Wild turkey Toms whom are roosting above my chicken coop at night and spending the day in the yard and around the house.

The deer bed down across a small creek from our house. We can see them well from our bedroom. It's the hill behind where this Doe is standing.

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I was watching her nibbling the trees when her fawn appeared... 

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He rubbed his head on her, and nudged her... 

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Then stood behind her while they figured out if it was safe to stay. Kevin & Jim were on the back porch of the house loading more wood into our firewood storage and the deer could both hear, and see them.

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They decided they were not worried about it, and went back to nibbling on this tasty tree...

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Then the baby decided to start heading for the yard...

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But it was awfully slippery, as you can see the ice on top of the snow. Sometimes he broke through when he took a step and other times...

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There was a lot of sliding going on... it's really hard for the to walk on, and easy for them to hurt themselves on right now...

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It was kind of like being on ice skates... 

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I was kind of holding my breath through some of the slides... 

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The last slide got him off the ice and onto the snow, but he slid quite a ways. I wish I had the video camera on.

We have one doe and fawn, an orphan fawn, and one buck. The orphan fawn as usually happens has taken to traveling with the buck, which will help him get through the winter alive having someone for guidance and safety.

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Kevin pushed snow out of the way for the little dogs to have a bigger area to pee, which they appreciated...

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But they already know to get it done fast and then RUN home!

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It sure is beautiful. It's also warmed up. We did get to -17 degrees F the night before last, which was our coldest yet. It's warmed up to 17 degrees above right now and it's been snowing this evening.

Everyone is tucked away, warm and safe. The wood stove is roaring in the house and it's over 75 degrees F in here which is how the little dogs, Kakarikis birds, and I like it. Plus I have an enchilada chicken casserole in the oven I made with hot green chili sauce which is no doubt going to warm us up further. My efforts to cool it with sour cream didn't work very well. So we'll be warm, inside and out! 


Unknown saidā€¦
Good to see this beautiful new post from you, just as I finished reading your December post! I love seeing the deer and I, too, wish you had the video camera on, but I love the pics! I'm glad you have at least a few deer left to come visit you but I hope you get a glimpse of some of your old friends if they are still around. It was always inspiring to read when you saw Torn Ear and Deer Norman. Maybe some of these young ones will get names and become good friends like those guys.
Leigh saidā€¦
Hi Donna, I came by to see how you are doing. As always, your photos are great. Sounds like you've been taking everything is stride and making progress as you're able. So glad you're pacing yourself and doing so well.
Madeline B saidā€¦
The photos of the fawn on the snow reminded me of Bambi! Or even the calves sometimes in the spring when they're trying to walk across frozen puddles. You worry about them hurting themselves, but giggle when they slip and slide. They're amazingly tough animals, deer. We don't get too many deer in the yard anymore, but the moose have been getting into our hay. We've been sending Hawkeye after them as they're eating the best stuff.
bornfreev saidā€¦
Been a quite a while since you've posted. Ya'll okay up there? Hope all is well.

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