A huge loss

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We have been away in Michigan attending the funeral of Kevin's very much loved Uncle, and just got home today after a 9 hour drive. It feels very good to be home. On Friday morning we got some heartbreaking news. I had read the night before that two Alaska State Troopers had been killed in the village of Tanana, and I told Kevin how awful that was. The next morning I found out that one of them was our very close friends son, Scott. We are very close with Scott's parents and his family, his father married Kevin and I two summers ago. Kevin has known Scott since he was a kid and I have known him for several years. He was a very good man, and has a beautiful young family whom he loved very much. He was a great Trooper and huge asset to the State of Alaska, and he cared about people. The murder of these two dedicated men has been very heartbreaking for their families, friends, and the entire State of Alaska. It was a completely senseless act, and a devastating one.

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They were taken much too soon and will be missed greatly. Please pray for their families, friends, and everyone affected by this. 


MrsDuncanMahogany saidā€¦
Heard about this on our local news Friday evening. Such a shame. Having connections in law enforcement (my father) you know only too well how dangerous this job is. My heart goes out to their families.
Ellen in Oregon saidā€¦
I would like to extend my condolences to you & Kevin for the loss of his Uncle. It is always sad when A member of one's extended family dies. I find that it is one of the harder things we have to accept as we grow older. I lost an Aunt & an Uncle this year and it felt like the end of an era with all my relatives of that generation gone now.

Such a tragedy to learn of your friend and his fellow Trooper being needlessly murdered trying to protect the people of Alaska from danger. It always strikes me how the impact from the loss of one life ripples outward to impact so many. Not only were the lives of those Officers ended far too soon, but it leaves wives without husbands, children without Fathers, parents without their sons, siblings without their brother, on & on it goes. SO many memories, relationships & potential stolen from so many by a 19 yr. old young man with no regard for the consequences of his violent actions. My heart goes out to both the State Trooper's families. The people of Alaska have lost two of the State's most valuable resources & greatest assets with the senseless murders of Trooper Scott Johnson & Trooper Gabe Rich.
jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
this is so awful! i saw this on our news.
The JR saidā€¦
I'm sorry to hear the bad news. These days are so scary. Seems like the crazy people are worse and worse every day.

My BIL just retired from being a trooper and now is a military consultant in Afghanistan.

We constantly worry about him.

Take care, prayers of healing sent to all of you.
diamondc saidā€¦
I am so saddened by your loss, it is a much different world nowadays, very few people have respect for Law Enforcement.
I am married to a Deputy who is a an admin Sgt. and heads up the swat team, I worry always when he gets called out.
My heart breaks for the Families and Friends who have lost a loved one who serves to protect us.

Many Blessings to you.

Suzan saidā€¦
We have seen this in the news and it is terrible! Such a terrible loss for everyone!! I do hope that the person or persons is found and there is swift justice!
Hope all is well with you!

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