Happy kids

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I've been meaning to share some baby pictures for days! I am happy to say first of all, all four boys are still doing great. Biscuit has not kidded, although it looked so close. She remains under close observation but we haven't had any changes in several days. It warmed up here for a bit, and started to break up but then got really cold again with a really bitter wind. I look forward to a bit warmer days for us people but also for the animals.

I have had a bad 2 weeks. Today was finally a bit better day, I was up this morning and able to spend some time at the barn after I slept for almost 12 hours straight. For about 10 days I didn't get out of bed hardly at all. I have a Doctor's appointment next week, and also my surgeon in Georgia knows about what is happening with me and he told me today he recommends that it's time for surgery again... we briefly touched on it in November when I had an appointment because we knew there was a problem then but were hoping it would calm down or if we got really lucky, go away. It's a big undertaking. Although this would be a little less intensive (hopefully) surgery than last time, it's only been 7 months. I trust him and know he's right, but we need some things to fall into place before we can take the next steps, and we need to take it one step at a time, and so we are, and in the process I am trying to stay calm.

The babies sure do brighten up everyday, seeing those happy little babies so full of life. It reminds me there might be more hurdles right now than I'd like but it doesn't mean they can't be cleared either.

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The Pygmy boys are....

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And also love to play...

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and play...

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and run...

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Even our weakling, little Vinnie likes to run...

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although he's less into running with the other boys, he's more of a mama's boy...

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But my chocolate Pygmy is all independence. I haven't named the Pygmy boys yet! Other than all the usual cute nicknames, I have to come up with proper names for them. :)

They sure do love to play!! I can't wait until it eventually warms up and they can explore outside.

As for me, I took a rest after being in the barn and now I am going to attempt to put a pot of soup on the stove. I haven't done much cooking in a while and I hope to make a nice simple pot of soup for supper if I'm lucky :) and then relax with the boys by the fire.

I hope everyone is warm and comfortable this evening!

P.S. there is another video of the kids on my Instagram account and some more pictures :)


barbaradougherty126 saidā€¦
I am praying for your healing and pain relief to happen soon. The boys are adorable. Feel better soon and know i am thinking and praying for you. :)
jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
omg donna....are they cute or what? i could just watch them all day! i am so sorry you have not been doing well. i sure wish you all the luck with this next surgery and hope it turns things around. are you going to be able to make maple syrup?
jody saidā€¦
Thank you Donna for sharing the video and pictures absolutly adorable and should bring lots of smiles to who ever sees them! Im so sorry its been a rough couple weeks im thinking about you and sending healing thoughts and prayers my blogging friend.
Primitive Stars saidā€¦
Afternoon, sure hope you find some relief soon......I loved seeing the pictures of those sweet baby kids, loved it, thank you, Blessings Francine.
Mary Ann saidā€¦
I've been wondering what was going on... and they boys are adorable... praying for you daily, Donna, for your return to as full health as you can.
k saidā€¦
Those little boys are unbelievably cute. I hope you are able to find some relief soon.
Dee saidā€¦
Donna, I wish for you a complete recovery after this next surgery and freedom from pain so you can enjoy your animals once again.
The JR saidā€¦
That is one of the cutest things I've seen in a very long time. Those baby goats......geeze....makes me want one.....almost

I hope whatever the plan is, that it helps you to get well soon.

So sorry to hear you've been sick,

Take care,

p.s., I changed my google+name so it looks different.
Henny Penny saidā€¦
Oh the babies are so cute. I can see how they would cheer you and make you feel better. Sorry you're feeling bad. Hope you are well again soon.
Suzan saidā€¦
Thoroughly enjoyed your little film clip of the little ones jumping around and playing!!
Sorry that you still are not feeling well and may have to have surgery again. Hoping that with the warming of the weather, you'll also feel better and have a chance to get out on your deck and soak up some sun shine!! Feel better Donna!!
Moni saidā€¦
Dear Donna, I am thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts to you! I do hope you will soon be really fine again so that you can just enjoy life with all the cute and adorable "critters wild life".

All the best from Monika / Germany
(Just back from a trip to Yukon Territory and Juneau, Alaska)
Southern Fried Pugs saidā€¦
I am so sorry you need another surgery. This has been so rough on you. I hope that the next one does the trick and you feel back to yourself again very soon.
Have you tried a triptan for migraines? I take Rizatriptan but it can interact with other meds. I get it through the VA by mail order. Could that be a possibility for you?
Your baby goats are ridiculously adorable. And in a sweater! Ah youth!
Glad to see your post. Your kids are sooooooo cute. Thinking of you...
Willow saidā€¦
I sure am glad you shared those baby pictures they really made my day !
Shut up! Those babies are too cute! Oh my gosh. I think I would just sit and watch them play all day long. I can't handle the cute factor here!

On a more serious note, I'm so sorry you may have to have another surgery. I really hope they can figure out what's wrong and fix it non-surgically. :(

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