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This was what we woke up to this morning. Yesterday Kevin plowed for 5 straight hours getting our lane cleared so that we'd be able to get off the farm today to our appointments in the city... but Mother Nature had other plans... she filled all the snow he plowed back in, and then some. And never mind the drifts and wind. In short, all our appointments got canceled and we stayed inside.

It's been pretty quiet here at the farm, we are pretty much on auto pilot. I have not been well, having had a serious reaction to my meds a week ago, and it's been super cold... the equipment won't start, the water is freezing, the animals haven't been able to even spend much time outside because it's too cold. So it's been just about going through the motions.

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I am happy to report however *knock on wood* everyone is doing OK. The girls enjoyed some leftover spaghetti squash and veggies....

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Flavious "um, can I come in?" 

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And the little girls are great, although they have hardly been outside at all in the past week, it's been way too cold.

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Little Puffin is not built for the cold...

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Um, come on, lets go back inside now!

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That's better!

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Horace "HEY!! HEY!!"

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I'm ready to go back in... 

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Excuse me, do you SEE me? 

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Far too handsome, and far too spoiled to be outside in the "winter."

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Little Ruby is just cute as a button.She looks like a stuffed toy.

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I cannot believe Max is almost 6! He was pretty excited to see a treat coming his way the other evening...

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why thank you, I'll take that...

Us humans have plenty to keep us busy indoors but we'd rather not be inside at all... so yes, cabin fever does creep up a little bit and we get a little frustrated or blue...

But that's why we have Rollie:

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You can't beat him for entertainment. 


jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
i am so sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. i sure have been thinking about you. i feel so sorry for all the animals this winter. it is so togh on them. they will all be so happy when spring arrives! hang in there and i hope you feel better soon!
Oh my goodness that Rollie cracks me up!! Your animals are all so beautiful. I can't imagine plowing for 5 straight hours. I will decide to be grateful for our smaller amount of snow. :)
Primitive Stars saidā€¦
Evening, always enjoy seeing all your sweet animals, makes me happy...Blessings Francine.
Rollie is hilarious. Yes, we know about cabin-fever these days. Yikes, it takes a lot to keep me hunkered in but these temperatures have me taking on the shape of the couch under blankets.
Come on, April!
Rollie does look very entertaining! That last photo made me chuckle. We don't have the snow that you do, but I know what you mean about just going through the motions. It's so cold that it's just not fun to be outside right now! I'm just counting the days until spring.
Terra saidā€¦
Your goats are just the cutest critters and I can imagine you are getting cabin fever with the roads not passable. 5 hours of plowing and then snow filled up all his work!
Mary Ann saidā€¦
What is Rollie wearing? And do Max and Flavious stay OUTSIDE?
Unknown saidā€¦
I love seeing everybody, especially Max! What a cute fluffy guy! Glad you are able to get out for at least a few moments. This winter has been monstrous! It doesn't usually drive me inside to the extent it has this year, so I really commiserate with you wanting to get out of the house!
Henny Penny saidā€¦
I love all your animals. Rollie looks sweet. You are very beautiful. I love the picture to the right with your hair down. Sure looks cold where you are!
The JR saidā€¦
oh my gawd....that last pic had me hooting.

Sorry you have not felt well.

We got some of that sleet and then snow on Tues. Roads still a major mess on Weds.

Then it rained (burst pipe in ceiling) in my kitchen on Thursday.

what a mess.

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