Lip balms and our friend Deer Norman

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I totally left the world of the living for a few days, major set back here, very scary one, but today I am starting to feel better which is a big relief. I did however over do it today in my excitement of feeling better so I'm trying to cool it, which is one of the most difficult things possible for me. But I'm trying. 

I have been busy making lip balms! It's been great fun and I've got a few orders already which has been very exciting and I am very grateful for them. If anyone is interested in any, there is more info on my "farm store" page which you can find here, and also at the top of the blog page. I started making these for fun because I love being able to be creative and it's keeping me busy and creative while not taking too much out on my body which is not ready to be back on it's proper feet at all yet. It's a way to be productive but still kind of try and take it easy, it's given me a great focus and hopefully soon I will finally be able to get some supplies to try soap making too.

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These are just some of the balms I've been having fun making.

We have had some really wild weather. We have had snow, cold, and then yesterday everything melted - it's all grass again now!

A few days ago it was so pretty outside before it all melted though....

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Even the boys were having fun playing in the snow...

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Our buddy Leo is back! He's been here for three years. 

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He's looking handsome as ever...

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And we also had a very exciting visit from our friend Deer Norman who we were not expecting to see. It's been 7 years since we first met him in the forest as a spike buck back when he used to follow us around while we picked wild grapes.

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We were all beyond happy to see him. He's been a good friend and part of our family.

I have not been able to eat properly in three days so I am hoping tonight to be able to enjoy the chicken curry I have been making all day, it's lightly spiced, warm, and full of tumeric which is good for you and also good for swelling. Yesterday it was well above freezing and tonight it's just below.

I hope everyone is tucked away, warm and safe, and has a restful evening. The dogs and I are planning on watching an All dogs Christmas carol tonight- to start getting in the spirit and all! :) 


k saidā€¦
The snowy pictures are so beautiful - looks like a true winter wonderland. Sorry to hear about the bad day, and I hope those days are behind you soon.
Dreaming saidā€¦
Norman is beautiful. What a relief to see him again!
I hope you feel better, soon.
The Dancing Donkey saidā€¦
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I love your lip balm project though, headed over to check them out.
Terra saidā€¦
Norman is a handsome guy and I imagine the girl deer like him. I hope you rest and get fully well. The lip balm idea is great.
Southern Fried Pugs saidā€¦
Snow is beautiful, but man that makes me cold just looking at it!

Yay for your lip balms! I am working on my order. My nieces need to give me their choices. What perfect stocking stuffers!
Mary Ann saidā€¦
Take it easy, Miss Donna! We don't want anything to happen to you!
Lana saidā€¦
I hope you get to feeling better soon, and I am loving these lovely winter pictures. Many would make great Christmas cards!! I especially love the photos of those beautiful bucks.
The JR saidā€¦
I think I deleted my own comment

Those are so creative!

Sorry to hear about you feeling bad, I was hoping that would all end soon.

I'm very happy to hear that your deer buddy came back this year.
Leigh saidā€¦
Lip balms and those snowy pictures seem to go together! I'm glad you're doing better now. The ups and downs of recovery can be tough. Hopefully it's all up from now on.
Norman is so handsome! It must be nice to see him when he comes around. The snow makes everything look so pretty there. We got a bit of snow this weekend and it looked lovely. Congrats on the lip balm sales - that's awesome!
Wow - how exciting to see Norman again! Your balms are adorable!! So happy you seem to be having a good day. I hope you have more good days than bad very soon. :) Hugs to you and the snow is beautiful!
Suzan saidā€¦
If you can't get out - at least you have beautiful scenery to look at!! So glad that your deer continue to come back and have made another winter. Will these deer drop/shed their antlers and possibly you be able to find them?? Again- I wish that you could feed them, but you don't want them to loose their fear of man and be so easily hunted!!
Continue to improve!!

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