Been on the road

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Sorry for disappearing for a while! We left Monday for an unexpected trip South. We had a passing in the family and once we got word, we hit the road pretty suddenly. 

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This was the last picture I took at home before we left.

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And it was snowing in the mountains in New York State and Pennsylvania when we started out our trip...

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But then, it all went away. 

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Georgia was beautiful as ever and .... WARM. At least to us Canadians. 

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We detoured a bit so I could see a little bit of Savannah this time instead of just going around it....

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It's always fun to see something different... 

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And it's a pretty place. I couldn't imagine ever living in town or in a city, but as far as they go, some of the streets were very picturesque.

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There was still cotton is some of the fields too!

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It took us 2 1/2 days of travel to get here...

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Bridge near Jacksonville...

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Helloo Florida...

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We made a detour to go through St. Augustine too... also a really neat place although very busy and tourist geared. We got behind the ghost train... what was funny was, we got behind one of those in Savannah too... those old towns have lots of ghosts roaming around them...

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Waiting for the bridge...

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We were only there for a very short time but did manage to find the oldest house, and oldest street which was the most interesting thing to me.

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Really neat!

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They didn't drive dual wheel pick up trucks back then so needed smaller streets... I'm amazed we even made it down the street!

Despite the sad occasion, it's still been nice to spend time with family and eat and hear stories. We'll spend until Wednesday in Florida and then we'll head for Atlanta. I've been lucky enough to get an appointment with my Doctor there since by chance (a very rare one!) I'll be back in Georgia. I'm grateful for the chance to see him again.

My body hasn't been overjoyed about the trip, but I've been managing. We should be back at the farm (where I hear it's getting colder quickly) in another week.

It's been raining here in Ocala and been dark and dreary but it IS warm. Every time I open a door to go outside I mentally prepare myself for the cold and then am surprised (every time) that warm air hits me! :) Some things us cold weather folks just can't get used to quickly!


Mary Ann saidā€¦
Donna, I'm so sorry for your loss, but so glad you arrived in good shape. A miracle, your appointment with your doctor... so there's someone looking out for you again! I hope all goes well, and your trip back is safe and as good as the trip down.
barbaradougherty126 saidā€¦
I am so sorry for your loss. :(
Prayers for you and your family.

Yes, it is almost hot here. :/ I can def do without the overcast skies too. boo. In spite of everything i hope you enjoy your stay. And prayers for good things from the doctor too. :)
jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
sorry for your loss but glad you can enjoy the trip and great news about the doctors appointment!
Sorry to hear of your loss. But i had to comment on your pictures . They are great. you have taken the same route we take when we go on vacation. We love Savannah and St Augustine
Dewena saidā€¦
I'm sorry that it was a sad reason that brought you there but hope that being with family was a comfort. And I'm very glad you'll be seeing your doctor and hope you'll know more about what you're still experiencing. Drive safe!
Henny Penny saidā€¦
I also am sorry for your loss. Seeing the pictures brought back memories of traveling those same roads and spending time in Saint Augustine several years ago.
The JR saidā€¦
So sorry to hear about a loss in your family.

Wow, that's a long trip by car.

Take care, hope you get a good checkup.

Safe trip!
I'm really sorry for the loss in your family. My condolences to you. I'm glad to hear you are doing ok on the trip even with the long traveling and it's good that you got to see your doctor. I bet it is strange going from cold weather to the warm temps!
Suzan saidā€¦
Ohhh Donna!! So sorry to hear about your loss!! The passing of family is difficult!!
But my goodness gracious!! What about your animals? Who is watching and caring for them?
St. Augustine :-}}}} That's home!! SWEET seeing the streets you traveled down!! Across from the Oldest House - there is the Franciscan Monistary which is now the State Military Arsenal for the Fla. National Guard. I grew up in the house next to the Parade Ground ON the sea wall!! Mom still lives over on Anastasia Island. Miss seeing the old Live Oaks with their spanish moss swaying in the winds. Ocala is a lovely area too!! Take a canoe trip down Juniper Springs run. It take 4 hours and is a lovely, laid back, easy to paddle trip!! You're going with the flow!!
When you're here in Atlanta - yell real loud!! I might hear you!!
God Speed - do have a safe trip!!
So sorry for your loss. We went to Lake Placid over the weekend and were surprised to see snow on the ground. Hope all goes well at the doctor appointment!!
Dreaming saidā€¦
I'm sorry about the circumstances around your trip, but I loved seeing all of the pictures. We lived just north of Savannah for more than a quarter century... and my in-laws live near Jacksonville - so, all of your scenes are quite familiar!
Enjoy the warmth before you head back home!

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