and so it's November...

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It was chilly today... but it didn't bother Jackson because he's nice and fuzzy already... 

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and also windy.. but the sun was shining!

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Barnaby was out strutting around for the ladies...

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But no one was very interested in him today, they were more interested in preparing for winter... 

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Time to really focus on bulking up! Any excuse we can use! 

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Sweet Dahlia... 

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Brie came over for a good chin rub... 

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and here is their fearless protector. Clearly working very hard....

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My three little girls are nice and fluffy and also... round... 

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Puffin is the leader of the smalls- even though she is the smallest of them all...

Here she chews her cud while Max gets a belly rub... 

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Puffin and Firefly came over to see if I had any treats... 

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No treats but Max's ball was there...

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Hey, this isn't food! 

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Aurora was sleeping in the sun but decided to come over for a quick snuggle before returning to her sunbeam. 

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Ellie's bum is 100% healed and so is her tail and feet. She must feel so much better.

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She had a nice walk in the sunshine and much to my surprise does great on a lead.

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She quite enjoyed herself. 

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Hey, did you hear that?

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All the boys were strutting around today actually... must be the weather. Or they were all just showing off for me. 

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Horace and his little pal, Ruby. Since their mama passed away this spring they have grown closer. 

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Little Ruby has such a sweet face. 

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Oh yes, you are the most handsome turkey of them all... 

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Sammy: Hey! Stop looking at the turkeys and give me a back rub! 

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And just so you know, working on the blog here is a group effort... always. 


Awww, love all these photos! Everyone looks healthy and happy. They are all adorable, but I must say I'm totally smitten with Jackson. He is just the cutest thing ever!
The JR saidā€¦
oh my, what a cute picture of you and the boys!

I really love all the pictures.

I'm glad Ellie is in a loving home.

IanH saidā€¦
Great photos of the farm critters! Happy that you are doing better!
Lana saidā€¦
I am so glad you helped heal little Ellie right up. And Jackson looks so adorable!! They look so sweet when they put on that winter coat.
jody saidā€¦
Hi Donna, i just got an email from my daughter saying" i love forest haven blog!" So i had to stop my work in the yard to come in and read your blog! I love you and all your fur babes!! Just what i needed! Enjoy your day!
Dreaming saidā€¦
What fun to see all of your critters! Thanks for the tour!
Dewena saidā€¦
Oh, I love seeing the video of Ellie! She must feel so good now that her sore spots are healed. I think you come up with the perfect names for all your babies. It's like you knew what would fit them.

Your blog writers are a sharp crew too!
Hi Donna! I finally introduced you to hubby. He can't get over all of your critters!! Glad to see you out and about!!
Mary Ann saidā€¦
I remember when Brie was little like the little girls!

jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
oh hahahah...i love that last photo. what good blog helpers! ellie sure found a great home. it's so good to see you getting around a bit!
barbaradougherty126 saidā€¦
awww Donna! Ellie! Look at her, she is so sweet! I wish I could take her off your hands. :)
kmac saidā€¦
I don't ever comment, but just wanted to say I like your posts and the pics of all the animals
That last photo is a riot!! It's a wonder you get anything done. I know how hard it is with just a couple of supervisors. :) Love the photos as always - your whole gang is just beautiful.
Linda Parker saidā€¦
Couldn't stop laughing at Rolly sitting on your shoulder like that with the rest of him in the sun! What a riot!
Suzan saidā€¦
Always good to see all your critters!! I can't even imagine your food bill in the winter. You're looking great!! Hoping that you continue to feel as great as you look!!
So Donna, it's dark night after a dreary, grey and snowy day here on the 9th...and your post from a few days ago shows blue sky and happy critters. Just what I needed to cheer me up! Goat love and sunshine and soft bunny butts. Ellie is adorable. I've only popped in a few times over the past many months, I need to catch up...I am glad you are looking well! Cheers!

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