Savoring October

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We went for a little walk today... 

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it started off with Rollie trying to figure out how to get his sweater off...

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He figured if he just kept rolling in it... 

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It would come off sooner or later...

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Eventually, he gave up.

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and then just focused on having some fun... 

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He was one happy boy to be out on an adventure... 

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and dad even came with us!

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This is what Norman thought of the whole situation...

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I managed quite a big walk for me. Me and Norman are just a little slower than the rest of the group...

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But walking slower just gives us more time to enjoy things...

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Douglas was very happy to be out running around with his brothers...

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The weather is changing and it's becoming cooler...

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Rollie usually leads the way...

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Rollie: how come are you guys so slow?? 

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Douglas and Rollie really wore themselves out...

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it's starting to look less like October, more like November...

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Norman didn't realize if he didn't jump, he'd get wet... he wasn't very happy about it, but he toughed it out...

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and when we got home, Rollie went back to trying to rub his sweater off right away...

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Once he got his sweater off... it was nap time. BIG nap time.

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Some of the critters enjoyed a late afternoon squash snack...

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Sammy: why thank you, don't mind if I do... 

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what? is there something on my face?

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this stuff is delicious...

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Basswood with a mouthful...

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I had some snuggle time with Braveheart...

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and I got stinky face kisses from Buckwheat...

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Then I went to say hello to Puffin and her sisters...

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and I got attacked!

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Here is how Ellie the rabbits bum is looking. She arrived on October 8th with that bloody/red/sore bum and now on October 20th, she's got fresh hair growing in and no sore spots. Her feet have healed and her tail almost has all it's hair back too... I couldn't be happier, and I'm sure she feels a lot better...

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I also just want to thank all of you, who take the time to read the blog, and comment, and for all of your continued good wishes and support, I can never express how much it all means to me, or how grateful I am.

It continues to be an uphill battle for sure, but I'm just going to keep climbing. Two nights ago I thought I wouldn't be able to go on in the middle of a pain spike, and today, I'm grateful I had a little more energy, less pain, and I have a whole lot to keep looking forward to. It would be nice if everything was just fixed over night - all of us would appreciate that! But it takes a lot of time and patience, and courage to keep on going - no matter what. So just remember any of you out there fighting battles of your own, don't give up climbing. Maybe you'll need to take extended breaks on the way up your mountain and maybe sometimes you'll slip, but it doesn't mean you'll never get where you were going in the first place just because it's a pretty big climb.

It would help if we all climbed as good as goats though wouldn't it? :)


jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
it is so nice to see you out and about with the boys! it is looking like november in your area! the boys sure had a fun walk and all the animals must have been thrilled to see you!
The JR saidā€¦
I love all the pictures. So CUTE!!!

I'm glad you have a positive attitude. Continue to get well.
Looks like so much fun! The boys are so cute and they look so happy. Everyone loves squash around here, too. It's a nice treat for them!
Mary Ann saidā€¦
Oh, Donna, YOU WALKED IN THE WOODS!!!! YAYYYYY!!! Good for you and Kevin, I know he was glad to have you out there with him. And I saw the rifle... bears????
12Paws saidā€¦
Donna, as always, your photos are just stunning! All your "looking into the distance" shots give me flashbacks to my much younger days of canoeing & backpacking upper Michigan & Ontario bush along & a bit north of Lake Superior. Love the pond shot--saw many moose in just such a scenario. Love also that you are coming along in strength. Your furbabies are heart-breakers! Keep on listening to what your body tells you & you will be ready for spring!
barbaradougherty126 saidā€¦

Love the pictures, as usual. In the first, is that Thistle to the left of the road? It is so pretty! I love Thistle!

hey boys and all the animals look so cute. I can't believe hw much the trees have changed! Wow.

Prayers and good wishes to you always! xoxoxo
Lana saidā€¦
Wow, it is getting to be winter fast where you are! Our leaves haven't even started turning yet... bit of a late year here I think.
Dewena saidā€¦
Oh, for the legs of a goat! The boys look so very cute in their sweaters. And I do remember how mine hated the first time each winter when we put theirs on them. They tried to roll too. I'm glad you managed a good walk. I know it lifts your spirits to be able to do that and to get those face kisses. If I were visiting you, I would take every face kiss I could get from your bunch.

You don't know how much I wish I could wave a magic want and have you 100% all better and busy doing everything you love and long to do. But I'm so proud of you for how far you've come. Now I've got to go look at that candy you made!

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