Our 1st Wedding Anniversary

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I never thought I'd say that. Marriage to me has just always been off limits, not in my sights. Until a year ago. Even though Kevin and I had been together over 7 years last summer, marriage still was strange to me. For many reasons, and none really involving my current relationship. I just had a lot of ideas about it.

But deciding to marry Kevin in Alaska, somewhere that holds so much meaning to both of us separately and also together, and with some of our dearest friends making our simple day very special, which is what I had always wanted, was one of the best decisions I've made in my life so far. 

We have had a rocky road to travel no doubt. Our age gap has not been an easy thing to tackle, it's caused trouble sure, in several ways. It's impacted us. But not in any important way. We both have had a lot of health issues to battle through these years and we've been through a lot. A lot of things other people would not have tolerated or stood by either of us for. And for that we both realized two winters ago, we must really have something here. We were stacking wood on a crisp January day we had just finished splitting in the wood yard. Cutting wood together in the winter has always brought us closer together and made us feel better, it helps with the isolation of winter, and any tension we've had. We always talk and realize whatever has been recently bothering us, doesn't really matter. At the heart of things we enjoy the same life style, have the same goals, and find happiness in the same places, together. We had both recently been sick and grumpy with our chronic illnesses flaring up and causing pain and stress, and we realized that not many couples can deal with one person who has a chronic illness, let alone two. Even when we feel like we are being impatient and short with each other, we are being very patient and caring throughout it whether we realize it or not.

I feel lucky to have realized so early on that true love has no number, color, race, or ideals. It's not a fantasy, or story book... It is what it is. It's love, tolerance, compassion, patience, and finding shared joys in life. That is all. It's very simple when you take everything else away. I feel blessed. and grateful.

Now having said that, we just spent the last 15 minutes having a heated argument about peanut butter.

Like I said, it's not a fantasy. You need to pick your battles... even if sometimes they are over peanut butter. 


Dee saidā€¦
Congratulations on your anniversary. I hope you are feeling better.
Dewena saidā€¦
Congratulations and this was a beautifully and simply written tribute to marriage.

I just noticed under your banner that you have a farm "full of misfits." On the contrary, I think that each person and animal there is a perfect fit!
Primitive Stars saidā€¦
Congratulations on your 1st anniversary, great.....love knows no boundaries, I also am with a older gent by 19 years but never worries me, he is a great man.....Be happy, Francine.
Jocelyn saidā€¦
Congratulations! I wish you and Kevin many more years of happiness.
Lana saidā€¦
What a precious story. Happy 1st Anniversary to you both!
Mary Ann saidā€¦
Happy, Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad for you, and hasn't the last year been a test and a BLAST????

Prayers pay off, especially when they are for the nicest people.
Denise in PA saidā€¦
Happy Anniversary, Donna & Kevin! So glad you found each other. It is truly a gift! Here's to many more happy (and healthy) years together!
jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
happy anniversary. never underestimate the importance of peanut butter!
12Paws saidā€¦
Blessings to both of you and your precious furbabies. Well, as the saying goes: "The first 50 yrs are the hardest!" I'm hoping by later in this day you are grinning over your peanut butter spat.
Awww, happy anniversary! I'm so happy that you have found true love. There is nothing better :)
barbaradougherty126 saidā€¦
Happy Anniversary to you both! Blessing to you and your "babies". I hope the pain is better. :)
IanH saidā€¦
Congratulations! One thing to remember is that a third member of the wedding makes life a LOT easier at times. That is of course God! (Learned after 35 years without)
The JR saidā€¦
arguing about PB? I would have liked to have heard that....lol.

Congrats to ya'll. And MANY, MANY more.
anna saidā€¦
good posting of latest company anniversary wishes
Michelle saidā€¦
Happy Anniversary!
Love this post. I have type one diabetes so chronic illness has always been a part of my marriage. I've said it before and will say it again, I love your blog!

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