Norman made it!
I'm being honest... I've been a complete emotional wreck over Norman's dental. As I mentioned the main reason for that was that I was afraid of him going under anesthetic with his enlarged heart and CHF. Also, a good friend of mine had her little one die during a routine cleaning and that has left a huge fear in my mind. It was so traumatic and heartbreaking. Anyone with animals, or dogs, can relate to my worries to some extent, some to the full. All of my animals but especially these little dogs are not part of my heart. They are my heart.
But I have such a wonderful Vet clinic... Never in my life have I been as happy and content with my clinic and everyone in it, it's a great team and I trust them...aside from knowing they are good at their jobs, they care. And just like with my Doctors, that makes a huge difference to know you have that individual care. Norman isn't just another dog. He's Norman. And they act that way, which puts me at ease.
Regardless of that, I was still having a nervous breakdown over this, shaking, talking uncontrollably (which I do when I get really nervous) and pacing. The best Vet Tech in the world got Norman in first so they could call me as soon as possible to let me know he was OK. He only lost two teeny little teeth and his teeth look amazing now. He came through with flying colors! With these little guys they are so prone to problems and also Norman has a strange mouth with his overbite. The relief I had to hear he was awake and just fine was unbelievable... I could breathe again. He did amazing and they took great care of him.
I spent all day out of bed yesterday, from 7 AM until 6 PM. I haven't been up for more than an hour or two any other day. I went to town twice with Kevin and also walked in the grocery store. It was too much. I had an increase in pain but nothing terrible, mostly exhaustion hit me and I was so tired I felt sick. I was asleep by 9:30 last night and I slept until 8:30 this morning when I heard Jim feeding the dogs... I jumped up because I didn't want Norman to have dry food this morning, even though he probably could have. He is in no pain, he's playing, eating, running around... acting 100% like himself. Such a relief.
The past few days haven't been great. But before that I was able to get up briefly to say hi to everyone...

Which made me oh so happy to be able to give my goaties a snuggle!

and no I shouldn't be bending at all, but I did to get a good snuggle in with my Sammy while I could...

I even got down to say hello to the girls!

Who are very happy and enjoying the change in the weather... and probably the excess bugs flying around...
I've had some good hours which have been such gifts. I know recovery will be slow, probably slower than I imagined too, but I've had blessed moments of relief and I am grateful for each and every one of them. I also know I am getting better and stronger, even when I forget that I am.

Today me and the boys are back in bed and resting. I think the boys might be doing a little more resting than me mind you, but they are doing a good job of keeping me in bed since I couldn't move if I wanted to. The men have went out for the day, so the boys and I are on our own.
I can't imagine how I'd ever recover at all without these boys.
The past few days haven't been great. But before that I was able to get up briefly to say hi to everyone...
Which made me oh so happy to be able to give my goaties a snuggle!
and no I shouldn't be bending at all, but I did to get a good snuggle in with my Sammy while I could...
I even got down to say hello to the girls!
Who are very happy and enjoying the change in the weather... and probably the excess bugs flying around...
I've had some good hours which have been such gifts. I know recovery will be slow, probably slower than I imagined too, but I've had blessed moments of relief and I am grateful for each and every one of them. I also know I am getting better and stronger, even when I forget that I am.
Today me and the boys are back in bed and resting. I think the boys might be doing a little more resting than me mind you, but they are doing a good job of keeping me in bed since I couldn't move if I wanted to. The men have went out for the day, so the boys and I are on our own.
I can't imagine how I'd ever recover at all without these boys.
I'm glad to see you up and about! I bet all the animals loved their visit with you. You are looking good! :)
I love all the snuggling going on.
Love the last picture!