I'm honestly not sure...

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Which one of us is recovering here... me, or Rollie...

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I'm starting to think he's getting into the liquor cabinet when I'm not looking. 


Dee saidā€¦
He is so cute! He is so happy to have you home. Hope you are feeling better every day.
jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
are you drugging those dogs??? hahaha!!! too cute!
Willow saidā€¦
Oh Rollie is so gosh dog cute !!!!
IanH saidā€¦
Be careful, Rollie might be getting a little bit spoiled! :-}
Suzan saidā€¦
That is too cute!! I can tell his loven - helping you to get better!!
k saidā€¦
Too cute! He must be working hard being one of the nurse dogs.
Mary Ann saidā€¦
That is the absolutely most relaxed Chi I have EVER seen!
Linda Parker saidā€¦
It's hard on the little guys when we are less than 110%. They are so in tune with us, I think they feel the aches, pains, worry and exhaustion just like we do. This is their gift to you - tune in to the spirit of healing and rest they are putting forth - let yourself go into that deeply quiet place of doggie dreams.
The JR saidā€¦
What a CUTE little stinker.
barbaradougherty126 saidā€¦
A-dorable! love it. Your dogs are so cute!!!
Haha! He looks like he may have had one too many. Too funny! Love these cute photos :)
Lana saidā€¦
Haha!! He is out!
Dewena saidā€¦
Oh, that is so funny! How adorable! That is the cutest odd little face I've ever seen. You ought to enter these in pet photography contests.

He hasn't a care in the world, has he?

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