Baring a bit of my soul

I did not record this to share on the blog. I actually recorded it spur of the moment because I started rushing home so I could write down the thoughts in my head for some writing I am doing, and I realized I'd forget, the moment would pass as it always does when emotion and inspiration come to you when you are away from pen and paper, laptop.. and I realized, I have video on my camera and I could just record it so I'd be able to write it down when I got back to the house.

But it was such a moment for me... And even though I debated sharing it, I just felt like I should. For each of us so many things might feed our spirits, time with family, our animals, time in prayer or Church, art, music... it's so important to find that place where you can feel absolute faith in life, and inspiration to create and dream. If you've found that place, hold on to it closely and spend as much time in it as you possible can. 


jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
it's always nice to have a goofball to lighten things up, eh? but seriously, i feel the same way about my place. i feel so lucky every day to have a place that truly comforts me.
The JR saidā€¦
I'm glad you shared it with us. I don't tend to have such deep thoughts. Very well said.
12Paws saidā€¦
So very caring of your soul to share these thoughts. Even with your health problem you are so blessed to be in tune with a special place on God's creation. I pledge to pray daily for your upcoming surgery & for total rapid recovery.
barbaradougherty126 saidā€¦
Thank you for sharing. I believe in the power of the earth and nature and everyone should just take their shoes off and walk around in the dirt every once in a while and get some healing. :) Love the pugger boy!
Oh I just love this so much because I feel the exact same way! It is so spiritual for me to be out in the woods with nature and I feel so close to God, more so than anywhere else I've ever been. Thank you for sharing this with us and know that other people out there feel the same way you do :)
Dreaming saidā€¦
I applaud you for sharing your innermost, heartfelt thoughts. I know that would be hard for me to do - I'd probably keep it private. But, the process of sharing, alone, is a healing process, too. Wow... powerful! Even with Douglas!
Kim saidā€¦
Just so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.
Lana saidā€¦
Tears, sister, tears. I understand completely! I think for me, nature is one of God's most complete pictures of Himself that we can ever see on earth. Because it is all made by Him, not touched by anyone else.

Also, what you said about when you are old, how you will still appreciate it even if you can't be on this land anymore. I feel that way about my animals and our little place, too. I will forever appreciate it and all of the amazing things my chickens and geese and dogs and cats and birds and bugs and fish and grass have taught me. And my oh my, how they have taught me.

THANK YOU for sharing.
Mary Ann saidā€¦
Hear Hear, Donna... a wonderful piece!
Primitive Stars saidā€¦
Beautiful, I want to thank you for haring with us, Francine.
k saidā€¦
Your blog is always inspiring. Thank you for providing inspiration and reminding us of the important things.
Chai Chai saidā€¦
Appreciation for what one has and where one is is something that is lost on many people these days. Being blessed is one thing, knowing it and giving thanks is just wonderful!
Dewena saidā€¦
It meant so much to listen to you. I'm grateful that the land was entrusted to someone who cares so much for it and the animals it is home to. (Besides that, it was a treat to hear your lovely voice!)

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