Mother Natures madness and the past couple of days


We had no power today - again! This is the fourth time this winter we've had no power for a long period of time. I don't really care, of course we have plenty of heat and we do have the generator which keeps most things running for us, it's just very unusual for us to loose power at all, let alone for 12 + hours at a time. It's been a weird winter for that. Every time the wind blows we loose power - and it's always the same group of us on the backside of the lake that part of our property sits on. Kevin asked the power company to call him with a report of what the problem is, so we can figure out if it's a fluke or if it's an ongoing thing that's not getting fixed. But I won't hold my breath that will happen.

Mother Nature has just been nutso the past few days, I'm thinking she's hormonal right now or she's completely lost it. First we got a bunch of snow, then the next day 50 degree F weather which  melted almost everything, then rain, then super high winds, then more high winds with snow and ice again. There was even open water in the pond yesterday which is frozen again today. It's so unpredictable and just plain... weird. I know so many of you are are also experiencing this unpredictable weather where you live too.

Since we got home from Toronto, I've been busy getting things cleaned up... cleaning the barn, baking pies for company and cleaning the house. Just the usual. But I've been wiped out from it. I'm starting to feel somewhat caught up now.


The boys are completely wiped out from helping me. Douglas spent all afternoon in the kitchen with me yesterday assisting me in baking and cooking and he was so tired coming evening, you could barely get him to move.


The snow helped hide the ice we have, so I got the ATV stuck on the way up to the barn with a load of supplies I needed to do some repairs. It was no big deal though, I just pulled the winch out, tied it around a tree and pulled myself out. We couldn't live without winches on our machines here.


Remember this peep hole that Dahlia and Rose made looking into Sammy's pen? 


I fixed that.


Rose was not pleased about it and wanted it removed ASAP.


Horace was not thrilled with the snow. Or the mud that came next. He's very particular. Green grass is best for his delicate hooves.


Lambie: It's snowing? I didn't even notice!


Scarface: What's going on here? These girls need to go inside! It's wet out here! I demand service! Do you even know who I am? 


Snowy goats waiting to go back inside. 


Dahlia: I need a hat, I don't appreciate this cold wind. 

(I actually told Kevin yesterday all my goats needed hats to protect their ears. I believe it too. I think Kevin may be debating having me committed. But if he does, he'll have a lot of mouths to feed and no one to make him pies, so I don't think he'll do it.)


OK, I know this is a terribly embarrassing picture and clearly I'm a bad mother for sharing this, but it just cracks me up too much. I wonder if Dahlia knows Lou is watching her pee? I've never seen a goat pee the way she does, she almost puts her butt right on the ground.


The snow stopped and everyone was much happier. They don't mind the winter at all, they just don't like getting wet.


Bulrush: You didn't order more snow did you? I hope not. 


Then yesterday we had no snow, open water and crazy warm temperatures.

Tonight the temperature is dropping like crazy. It's really windy and really cold. A good night to stay inside where it's warm and make meatballs and red sauce.

If I can get up. The boys are piled up on top of me and don't appear to be planning on moving. Maybe if I yell "meatballs" they will jump up and head for the kitchen? It's worth a try. 


jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
hahaha... the "treat" word works perfectly for me. this weather is too weird for words and the winds are unreal! those puppies are way too cute!
Mary Ann saidā€¦
We had 75 degrees Monday, and it's 18 out right now, going to zero for the night, and not above 20 tomorrow... so we are having the same weird weather. Snow, rain... sun... it's wearing on us and on the animals, too.

I see Rolly is fitting RIGHT in!
Myra saidā€¦
Our weather has been crazy in NC too. 70 degrees the past 2 days and not supposed to get above 34 tomorrow. I love reading what the animals have to "say". LOL
Dewena saidā€¦
Horace is so handsome! How I'd love to pet him. Does he allow that?
The JR saidā€¦
funny, she does it look funny in that pose

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