Around here...


We've been sleeping... 


We got our reserve wood pile refilled. This is our emergency, oh we've both got the horrible flu and there is 10 feet of snow and we can't get to the woodsplitter pile... 


Kevin cut down some standing dead ash trees... 


Both were on a hillside so it was a little touchy. But they both came down without too much of a fight... just a little. 


We winched them down the hillside so Kevin could hook them up and drag them home together. 


We cut up one Cherry tree that has been down for a while... there was only a little bit that was good to save for a woodworking project... the rest we'll use to burn for a pretty fire since it burns in different colors. 


Flavious: I can see you. I can see that you are eating chips over there...


Me: oh I'm sorry, I forgot to share... would you like a chip?


I went along my fence lines to check my electric top fence wire. It's been off and I wanted to turn it back on to keep Barnaby where I want him, so I had to check for debris or anywhere it might be touching ground. The goats came with me, just in case I needed their assistance. 


Sammy got distracted by some tasty leaves... 


Me: here, eat this one, it's a good one...
Sammy: thanks mom don't mind if I do... 


On their way by they stopped to check the hickory tree that fell over... 


And then everyone went around it the exact same way... 


Once the fence was fixed and working, Sammy and I sat down together for a snuggle in the sun...


Sammy: yes, right there, scratch right there... 


Oh to be as happy and content with life as Sammy is. 


Sammy: Now I'd like a kiss... 


and a chin scratch... 


hey, why did you stop! Stop taking pictures and rub my tummy. 


We've had just a teeny dusting of snow, just enough to look like powdered sugar sprinkled on top of a cake... 


The wildlife have been enjoying the wonderful November weather we've had... living has been pretty easy for them... 


This is one of the two fawns we have... both of them are very, very, curious... 


Hello gobbler... 


The animals have been lounging, and filling their faces... sometimes at the same time. 


The men took apart our old shelter, our original sheep shelter before we had the barn or any other animals... 


So they could rebuild it and give Izzie the cow a nice winter shelter. 


Biscuit: I'm leading this parade... there will be treats right? My followers will riot if I don't lead them to treats and there will be an uprising, I'll loose my pretend position of power... you get my drift...


My fighting Bucks shared a moment... drinking water together at the same time. 
Buckwheat: Ma, stop taking pictures! I don't want this documented! Or shared with other people! 


Rose reached all new heights... 


She was really unsure about the construction in the barnyard... she was both intrigued and worried. 


Dahlia: Don't worry about it Rose... they are just building a cow house... and I love you, so nothing else matters.


We are not getting another cow are we? One is good enough. 


Basswood: Can we come in now? We want to come in and see!


Lou and Max were not worried at all about the moo house construction. They just relaxed in the sun. 


Norman also relaxed in the sun at the house. 


I noticed when I walked by the window in the house there was a deer lying in the front yard... 


Chewing her cud... apparently she wasn't too worried about anything either. 


And the moon... the moon has been beautiful. Last night it took my breath away when I came out of my barn to see that big round beautiful moon shining down on my cool peaceful November barnyard. 

Life has been good. Productive, and peaceful. For now...


Primitive Stars saidā€¦
Oh love the post, so many wonderful animals, wild and tame....lots of wood, great....Give the furry kids a pat and scratch from me, Blessings Francine.
jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
terrific post! sammy is too cute! i would love to live the way you do. a little piece of heaven!
I just adore all of your photos! Sammy is the cutest. I always get so happy when I see you've posted again :)
I'm jealous of the blue sky...we missed that over here! I like Norman's owl pillow. Great photos as always.
The JR saidā€¦
I always enjoy your posts so much.

lol at that yucky face goat.

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