On Saturday...

I'm getting married in these shoes... 

Kevin asked me in June. I said I'd think about it. If you know me, this isn't all that surprising.

We've been together for 7 1/2 years now, and known each other for over 8. Time flies.

I finally decided. I considered waiting for next summer, so we could plan better, but no one really appreciated that idea, and so we decided to go forward with a small ceremony, lots of food and drink, and then later we'll take the time to plan a big party for all our friends in Tok, and also a BBQ for our friends and family back in Ontario (or anywhere it's easier to travel to Ontario than it is Alaska) that want to make the trek to the farm.

It means a lot to both of us to be getting married not only in Alaska, but in Tok with our close friends here.

Our very dear friend, Buddy, is going to marry us. In Alaska it is legal for anyone you choose to marry you, the State just has to give approval to that person and for a certain day.

Buddy said he would marry us, which was amazing. It means a lot to us. We'll have a small ceremony at our other close friends house... they have a beautiful house and garden, which hopefully will still be blooming on the weekend if a big frost doesn't hit us before then.

Another friend is making our rings for us, one of a kind. She is a retired gold  miner and has been making beautiful jewelry for many years. I don't dislike jewelry, or diamonds, but buying an expensive ring from a shop in the city just doesn't mean that much to me. But having someone special make them for us, that makes it so much more special, and the rings will hold extra meaning.

We bought these Moccasins from another dear friend, and I'll wear them for the wedding. Then I'll take them home and we'll put them in a shadow box to keep them safe. They cost as much as my dress! :) But they hold a great deal of meaning as well.

To top it all off, we'll have a fish fry, and a bunch of homemade salads, pies, and cakes. I'm making a pie and some cupcakes, and everyone else is contributing a dish for the meal.

It doesn't escape us that over 8 years ago, the reason Kevin & I met is because of his dog Buddy, running away and coming to my farm.

Now we'll be getting married by our dear friend, also Buddy. :)

The world works in mysterious ways. 


IanH saidā€¦
Wow! congratulations to both of you!You two are full of surprises!
Alla saidā€¦
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It really sounds lovely!
Congratulations!! Sounds like this marriage was blessed from the first meeting.
jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
this is just fantastic! what exciting news!!! those shoes are so special. and good for you that you don't want anything commercial. what a wonderful life. and to have a friend marry you? just perfect. seems like alaska has it right....except for Shara Palin. ugh!
earthmaan1 saidā€¦
Well it is about time,,, you 2 were made for each other,,, I'm so Happy for the both of you,,, also you know I had to tell the folks at the site...

PEACE my Friends
Southern Fried Pugs saidā€¦
Congratulations and best wishes! Will Norman and Douglas be ring bearers? If you're going to get married, you might as well do it your way. It's about you two, not anyone else's notions about what you should do. I wish you many happy years together.
Dreaming saidā€¦
This is so exciting! I am thrilled for you two! Congrats!
Vera saidā€¦
Congratulations! Love the moccasins!!
Carolinablue saidā€¦
My congratulation to ya both. Just couldn't be a better place to get married, in all of God's great beauty and glory. Sure would be great to be there with you physically, but will be with you in heart. Congratulation again and enjoy your new path you have chosen.
May our Lord and Saviour bless you both.
barbaradougherty126 saidā€¦
Congratulations Donna!!! I am so happy for you & Kevin and having a goldsmith make your rings is awesome! And the cute boots...what a wonderful day Saturday will be. I will say a special little prayer for you that day. hugs!
Mary Ann saidā€¦
First comment... God works in mysterious ways....

Second... Are Douglas and Norman in the wedding???? Enquiring minds want to know...

Third....CONGRATULATIONS! Just the kind of wedding I wanted but didn't get! :-)
Congratulations! I'm reading this from work (oops!)...I'm on my break...really, I am...
How wonderful that you are having such a personal unique wedding.
Question - Why put the shoes in a box? Too beautiful and special to not wear.
All the best.
The JR saidā€¦
Very nice, what a fantastic wedding. great friends, great food and happiness!!!!

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