Updates from the farm and Tok

Back at the farm, things are going well, aside from being very hot. My oldest goat, Bucket was sick when I left. She was dealing with a couple different things that I started treating her for. Jim continued the treatment and within a week and half, she was getting back to her old self. She was dealing with an iron deficiency from  kidding this spring. Thankfully she is doing very well now, and as you can see, clearly not starving! 

She's on a bit of a diet now since apparently the extra TLC she received went over a little too well! 

This buck showed up in our pond - which amazes me. We saw him last fall, however we assumed his antler was broken. Apparently that wasn't the case, his antler is deformed, not broken, and he survived the winter. We've been seeing a lot of strange things in the deer population lately, it's making me start to wonder about the genes that are getting passed on. 

This big buck was also in the pond. While in their summer coats, it's difficult to tell, but there is a good chance this our friend, Deer Norman stopping by. Deer Norman is a regular visitor during the winter, and often sleeps outside our bedroom window under one of the apple trees. 

The water in the pond in front of our house is down because it's been so hot and dry. But every year that happens, the deer seem to spend more time around the house, they like being able to walk out in the water and drink and eat. 

We had Bart the beavers dam lowered... we have a long outstanding feud with him. He keeps building his dam up so high it washes out our road, which leads to a large part of our property. Without the road, we cannot access a huge chunk of our property. Most people would get rid of Bart. We won't do that - so for several years now, we've been trying to get along. We keep the water level manageable by lowering it every once and a while. We let some water out, just to keep the water level even with or below the road, instead of over top of it. He builds his dam back up, and we carry on like this. 

He built his dam right back up after the latest lowering, but at least the road is safe from being washed out for a while longer. When we are home, Kevin works on the dam about twice a week, except in winter. With us gone, Bart kind of went a little nuts washing out the road, so now it's back at a normal level. 

We have our road, and he has his pond. He's happy, we are happy. It all works out. 

Another one of our trees came down, well this one was an arm. I happen to know a red squirrel lives in this tree - I've got multiple pictures of him sitting on that arm, so I imagine he's a little ticked off about it. So far this summer we've got a tree that came down on the goat yard fence and woodsplitter, a tree that came down blocking the road to the cow/horse pasture, and now another in our old wood yard, blocking part of a trail, just behind the house. 

We'll have extra wood to split when we get home. It's all wet, so we'll have cut and split it and let it dry for next year, but it all helps with our winter wood supply. It's sad to see so many trees coming down, all of them fully leafed out and alive. 

Our grapes are doing well - and have nice looking fruit on them. The fruit won't be ready to use this year, since the grapes are not old enough, but they are thriving and that's a great sign. I can almost taste the wine just by looking at them! 

The prairie dogs have been sleeping and trying to stay cool in the heat, although they do love it, summer is their favorite time of year. 

Here in Tok, we've been enjoying some pretty nice weather. Lots of sunshine, and it's been between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Aside from potlucks, and get-together's with friends, we've been enjoying our property, and me and Douglas have been enjoying daily walks. We walk about 2 miles, and in the sunshine, with the mountains clear, it's perfect. 

We had a small shower the other day, which left a beautiful rainbow behind, the first one we've ever seen at our property here! 

We've been making friends with the Camp robber Jays, which isn't too difficult. Just give them treats. We've been leaving them goodies when we can. The other day we had some corn on the cob (which was not very good, it's not easy to get your hands on really good corn on the cob in Tok) and normally at home, I'd share the corn with my birds, the Kakarikis, the chickens, turkeys, goats... I can't think of anyone who doesn't love corn... here, I decided I should share the wealth with the Jays, and they picked the cobs clean. 

With some work, you can get them to land in your hand, or take food from you. In a lot of stories about the North, especially from people living on their own in the bush, you'll hear tales of making friends with the Jays, they have made friends with many a bushman, and woman. 

We've been taking it easy the past couple of days. Kevin is sick with a flu bug, which seems to be going around. I've pulled a tendon in my leg, it's been driving me pretty crazy. I've been wearing a brace, and I've rested it as much as I can, but I've had no real relief yet. 

We have about another month in Tok before we turn around and start the 4,000 mile journey back to the farm, and work. So we'll try and enjoy the rest while we can get it! I'm resting my leg today and making some homemade noodles for chicken noodle soup, and then tomorrow, I return to jelly making. 


CrankyPuppy saidā€¦
These are some lovely photos. I was wondering if Deer Norman was still around - it's amazing that he feels comfortable enough to sleep under your bedroom window. And thanks for making giggle at the picture of the prairie dog. Was he snoring? ;-)
The JR saidā€¦
I hope you both get well and back to normal soon.

Great pics of the deers.
barbaradougherty126 saidā€¦
Love, love, love the updates. Girl you are very blessed! I bet your animals miss you badly, but am sure your friend is taking GOOD care of them too.
Good to hear from you. I am looking at the picture of the prairie dog chillin' out and wishing I could be like him.
I love that you negotiate with Bart the Beaver...as long as he doesn't bring in friends to the 'battle'.
Dreaming saidā€¦
We made it to Idaho with our trailer and I thought about you, a lot, while we were on the road. I still can't imagine going so far - but the beauty sure seems above all!
Love the deer with the saggy antler. Interesting that he's had that two years now. Could the base of the antler have been damaged, causing it to grow in a strange way?
jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
tell kevin i can sympathize! i am so sick with a summer flu right now even my fingertips hurt. your time has really sped by in tok. the farm looks like it is in good shape thanks to your friend. i better everyone will be very happy to see you when you return.
Mary Ann saidā€¦
Donna, I'm worn out and you're RESTING! :-) Thanks for the update from home.

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