In Michigan

We left home Tuesday morning and began the first part of our journey to Sault Ste. Marie Michigan which is 536 miles NW of our farm. It was our first time driving the 5th wheel other than the 10 miles into town, so it was a big test. We got better gas mileage than we expected, which was a welcome surprise, for now. It will go down dramatically as soon as we get up in the mountains. 

It took us 12 hours to get to the Soo. It was a long days drive, but it was without incident, thankfully.

 riding in my lap in the truck

The boys were so happy to be in the truck and on the road, they have been anxiously waiting to go camping for weeks as they have been watching me pack the 5th wheel. They were pretty worried we'd try and leave without them, so as soon as they got in the truck, the happiness set in knowing they were going with us for sure. 

happy Pug relaxing

 our campground in the Soo

Since we've been in the Soo we've mostly been relaxing and stocking up on supplies. It's a good thing we came here and decided to lay over for a while - we are finding out all the things that are wrong with this 5th wheel that we didn't know about since we've never used it, and there are a ton of them. Mostly small things, but all things that need repairing. 

Our campground is on the St. Mary's river, below the locks and we can watch the freighters passing by from our big window, it's really neat. They are just so huge. The dogs have decided they just love this new, bigger, camper. They are in full vacation mode - just completely relaxing.

Douglas having his morning coffee in the camper

Norman waiting for his breakfast

 lying on the couch watching the seagulls

Last night we went and stuffed ourselves with whitefish - I dream about this fish all winter long, it's so good. I ate it all too - all the fish, I avoid all other food, fries, coleslaw, because I know I won't have room for it all, so I just focus on over stuffing myself with the whitefish. I had my fill last night, but now, I'm completely ready to eat it again. 

It's been quite warm here, today the wind is up which is typical for the Soo, but it's still a nice day.  We'll stay here through the weekend visiting with Kevin's brother and leave Tuesday. We don't want to leave on Monday because it's a holiday and the traffic won't be pretty. 

We head West from here across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and across Northern Wisconsin.

My mission now is to find out where I can buy some smoked whitefish around here.


jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
this is going to be such a fun trip!!! thanks for taking us along! and, please stuff yourself on the whitefish at least one more time for me!!! i like malt vinegar on mine!
earthmaan1 saidā€¦
Hi you Guys,,, I'm glad your problems are small and fixable,,, but make sure the brake works on that 5th wheel for when your going down hills,,, I don't know much about them things, just something about them needing to work and not over heat,,, Enjoy the weekend,,, and drive slow...

PEACE,,, herb
Chai Chai saidā€¦
I have a hard time imagining that the Soo is actually NW of your place in Canada. Canada is supposed to be North of the USA. No wonder it is colder here in Northern MN than at your place! When you emerge from WI at Superior and cross into MN at Duluth you will be 20 minutes from my place!
Happy Trails. Douglas better switch to Decaf...
Mary Ann saidā€¦
Oh my gosh, Donna, I don't know where to begin. I just read your long post about your Alaskan dreams... thank you so much for explaining. My sister is that stage where your mom was... able to hear but not able to communicate much... but I know she hears. Your pictures of the first part of the trip are great, especially Norman and Douglas at the kitchen table! Thank you for explaining about the animals, and your land, and the people of Tok. It makes so much more sense now that we can see the big part of the story, and am I EVER looking forward to pictures, etc. of the journey and your stay.

Have a safe trip!
The JR saidā€¦

Those boys are so sweet ...and LUCKY!!!
jean saidā€¦
Your dogs are so cute! I found you by way of Life on an Acreage.

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