the boys at the lake

The other night, me, the boys, and Jim, went down to the lake to relax for a bit after a busy day. Douglas loves to swim but the water was still too cold even for toe dipping... trust me, I tried. I loved the picture I got of Douglas with his reflection in the lake... it didn't come out as clearly as I would have liked but I'm glad I managed to get a picture at all, since he stands in one spot for all of 2 seconds.

I'm packing today. It looks like we'll be leaving on the weekend or more likely early next week. As of yesterday the reports said the Alcan (Alaska highway) was snow covered from Whitehorse to Beaver Creek in the Yukon. Brrr. Thankfully we are 2+ weeks away from that part of the highway.

Douglas says "I am so, so, happy we are here!"

"why can't we go swimming now?" 

"oh come on! lets go swimming, who cares if it's cold!"

Amazingly, two Loons who were out in the middle of the lake started swimming towards us and actually came very close to where we were sitting, even with the dogs running around like crazy things. The Loons kept coming closer and began fishing by the dock, before slowly moving off. I've never seen a Loon come this close before in this lake... I see them almost every time I'm at the lake, but they certainly don't come over to have a look at me! It was really incredible. 

Norman, completely relaxing

 Happy Doug

ah... not sure if I want to go over there... 

Happy Jim taking pictures with his nephew, Norman

me and the boys

 what is that Douglas sees?

a beaver! luckily Douglas thought better of jumping in and chasing him


jaz@octoberfarm saidā€¦
how cute! i can't wait for the trip!
Dreaming saidā€¦
I'm in love with Douglas! Norman, you are a sweetie, too!
I'm not sure whether to envy you for your trip to Alaska, or just be glad I'm at my home with my flowers and gardens!
Chai Chai saidā€¦
Still snow in Alaska? Crazy! You are going from the country to the COUNTRY! Have fun.
The JR saidā€¦
I luv your posts and all the great pictures of your wonderful boys (other kids) and beautiful property.
That one shot of the loons would be lovely framed. Looks like a relaxing day at the much as Douglas can relax! LOL!

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