Merry Christmas!
Amazingly after all the mud and rain December has given us, we are having a white Christmas! Yesterday morning we woke up to a complete winter wonderland, it was so beautiful outside, cold, but calm, with snow on all the trees, branches, and glistening in the sunshine. I have many pictures to share from the past few days, but for now, I want to wish all of my blog readers, friends, and family, a very Merry Christmas and thank each of you for joining in our life here, for your comments, and also your friendship.
I hope each of you have a beautiful holiday with the people and animals you love. The snow is falling here today, and I woke up this morning to find deer sleeping our yard... it seems Santa forgot some of his reindeer :)
Even though it's just the two of us humans, I'll be cooking up a storm today.... after everyone gets their special treats for the day, I'll be making garlic crusted prime rib, glazed brussels sprouts, sausage stuffing, cranberry sauce, dutches potatoes, sour cream dinner rolls... so all afternoon I'll be in the kitchen making a huge mess!
Happy Holidays everyone!ļ»æ