Christmas past

The first day of winter brought us rain and mud. It's been an unusual winter so far. It's been pretty similar to our winter of 2006/07. These pictures are from Christmas day, 2006. We didn't get snow until January of that year and even then, not a lot if I remember correctly. I'll have to look back! The day after Christmas we left the farm and headed to Pennsylvania to pick Norman the Chihuahua up and they didn't have any snow either.

one of our first ewes and her lamb 

 Hickory goose

 Jackson in his winter woolies

Kevin at the creek 

 our big creek

Baby Braveheart (Lambie) outside with Thumper 

 First visit back to the barnyard, "go see your friends!"

 Lambie says "I don't know about this..."

 no one was interested in the visiting lambie

 oh come on guys, it's your baby brother!

hiding with his mama

baby Charlie

 the crew

 lambie sleeping at my chair

My Christmas present for that year... a healthy Lambie, finally!


Dreaming saidā€¦
I am in love with Lambie.... and Jackson, too.
Merry Christmas to you!
OMG...Adorable. I love your blog always but your animal photos are the best part. Merry Christmas!
luckybunny saidā€¦
Thanks Dreaming and Norma :) Merry Christmas to both of you and your families!

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