It happened.

At midnight last night when I took the dogs out for their last tinkle of the evening, it looked like this when I opened the door... a light dusting of icing sugar... 
Then this morning I woke up and wandered into the front room. The sight out the window had me rubbing my eyes to make sure I was seeing right....

 Yep, I was. We actually got snow. And quite a bit of it.

I ground up some hazelnut cream coffee beans and put on a pot of coffee, because I knew I'd need some when I came back inside. I put my boots, hat, mittens, and coat on over my pajamas and headed out.

Yikes... this might actually require some shoveling. 

I wasn't expecting we'd get much, so I left the mule outside the back door last night, and not under the porch where it lives for the winter. Because of that, I got a bedful of snow... thankfully I remembered to at least put the seat up!

Max and Flavious were pretty happy up at the barn, they love, love, love, snow. Flavious is saying "woohoo it snowed!" At least I imagine he is... maybe he's making a snide remark about me in my pajamas.

The goats as usual were not overly thrilled, but they did a lot better than I expected. Last winter when it snowed for the first time, they refused to go outside... for three days.

Brie and Henrietta (Bucket's kids from last spring) have never seen snow before, so they were a little shocked at first, but quickly figured out to just go with it. 

Horace however knew exactly what it was and I can't say he was happy about it. Does this look like a happy face to you?

 Whoa! Horace, I don't make the weather. Give me a break.

The turkeys were slightly confused but it didn't slow them down any. 

It slowed Lambie down, a lot. Because he's blind, anything different really confuses him, anything moved in the barnyard, a different routine, wind, heavy rain, snow... etc. He was confused and kept getting turned around this morning. He fixes this by following me with his nose in my hand as I show him to the food and water. He used to panic and run around trying to get his bearings straight, but now, he just comes to me and lets me show him. 

 you can hardly even see Sammy... he just blends in with the scenery...

We are so not ready for the snow... Nothing is covered up, plugged in, put away. It is supposed to warm up later this week and weekend and it looks like we'll loose this snow, which will give us a chance to get things organized. Maybe.

Someone on this farm was especially happy about the snow however - the snow bunny himself... 

Douglas. He saw the snow from my boots in the mudroom on the way outside and he was so happy he could hardly contain himself. As soon as I opened the door, he was ready to play.

I can't say it's not pretty.... It was a calm morning with no major wind.

 Douglas has loved the snow since the first time he went outside in it as a baby. He loves playing it, eating it, peeing in it... you get my drift. 

Someone else however hates the snow.... More than anything in this world.

At least now he's got Douglas to break trail for him... 
 chase me... chase me!

oh come on Norman, lets play!

 Norman says "it's not even good to eat..."

 ohhh I hate this.... I'm running away from home and going to Uncle Steve's in Arizona...

 please get this Pug away from me... please.

Alright, enough already with the pictures. Let me in.

Before I head back outside to work, I'll put the crock pot on with some beef and barley soup in it, so tonight we'll have something warm and hearty to eat. The fire is roaring in the wood stove and the house is comfortable and warm. After the rest of my chores I think I'll do the best thing I can think of on a day like today... no, not laundry. The other thing... go play in the snow!

I also want to wish all our American friends and family a very Happy Thanksgiving! We always celebrate twice (one of the perks of one of us being Canadian, one American ;) but we had our second Thanksgiving early this year, on this past Saturday. Kevin's son Joe was leaving Sunday and we wanted him to be able to stuff himself too... So we filled ourselves with lemon thyme roast turkey, gravy, homemade dinner rolls, sausage stuffing, green beans, cranberry jelly.... 

I hope everyone enjoys their time with family, friends, and stuffs themselves with all the delicious things that come with Thanksgiving dinner.


farmer saidā€¦
We are getting hammered with over a foot of snow today,it is coming fast and hard!
Hot mulled cider is in order :)
Great pictures!
Kelly saidā€¦
It looks beautiful. We got about a ft here in Bradford, ME. I'm okay with snow in Nov. not Oct though. We aren't ready yet either. Still have heating elements to plug in for the sheep, goats and chickens. Always something to do. Happy Thanksgiving!
luckybunny saidā€¦
Farmer - mulled cider is a perfect thing to have on a day like today! :) Good luck with your snow, fast and hard isn't good... hope it's nice fluffy stuff (easy to move and fun to play in :)

Thanks Kelly, you got more than us for sure so far. I agree, it's time for snow now, Oct is not a good time for it! Thankfully it's not too cold here yet because nothing is plugged in! There is always something to do. Have a very Happy (warm) Thanksgiving! :)
The JR saidā€¦
I'm with him "let me in!"
We have had snow for the past two weeks. Ugh!! Oh well. The white stuff is here til next spring! As for the temperatures! Well we have already been down to -30!! I sure hope that is not an indicator how the rest of winter is going to be!!
luckybunny saidā€¦
Yikes! -30 already :( That's terrible. I hope it's not an indicator of how the rest of the winter will be either. I've heard for here, cold temps, not a lot of snow. But who knows. Brrr... sorry it's so cold, so early!
OMGosh your sheep are to cute...Horace made me chuckle with is angry face and Lambie is beyond sweet, I love you have bonded with him so he now trusts you to lead him instead of panic with change.

The puppies are cute too, both big and small.

Thank you for sharing your first taste of your winter wonderland with us.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

Blessings Kelsie

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