Old stuff

Since we've been building a new road by the house, they've been using the big digger by what was the old horse stable. They uncovered all kinds of stuff today, including a medicine bottle that still had medicine in it!



Oh wow!! That is some very cool stuff that you all have found!! What are you going to do with your new found treasure?
Anonymous saidā€¦
So cool! When we tore down our old garage, we found a couple of old bottles and bits and pieces of old crockery.
Unknown saidā€¦
Nice:) I don't know why, but stuff like this always gives me a real warm feeling inside ...
The JR saidā€¦
Neat! I luv finding buried treasures.
Dreaming saidā€¦
What fun treasures! I love finding stuff like that and wondering about who used it, or threw it there or lost it!
luckybunny saidā€¦
It's always amazing finding this stuff. We've found a lot of stuff around where the old house was, dishes, wine bottles, beer bottles (lots of those!) I wish I knew what these bottles were, especially the one with the diamonds on it and the medicine, since it was where the horse stable was. We've got a box full of horse shoes now! Amazing to find bottles with the corks in them. Out in the bush in the middle of nowhere, miles from the house, we found a plate and a cup, it was very strange. Like someone ate dinner and left it there! We'll display the bottles and the other stuff, I have no idea!

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