This morning

We woke up to a white world. 
Which is fitting since yesterday was the first day of spring. It's raining now.


Our Spin Cycle saidā€¦
Hi Donna!

I popped over to visit your blog ~ you had visited me, so I wanted to extend the welcome.

I've read your profile, and am completely fascinated by all the 'wildlife' you have living with you on a daily basis.

I am looking forward to visiting your Forest Haven more often ~ I'm always on the hunt for new recipes to try, too!

So nice to meet you!
Joani saidā€¦
OMG. That looks cold. Today, here in Arizona, USA, it is raining and has been since this a.m. but it is a slow rain and is soaking in nicely. In a couple of weeks the wild flowers will be blooming. Havce a great day.
Chai Chai saidā€¦
Ugh, same here. I would love rain to get rid of this snow. At least the dogs are happy.
Perri saidā€¦
I think we got the same weather! And on the first day of spring, too!
The JR saidā€¦
I was sweating outside yesterday. It went from Winter to Summer in one day.
luckybunny saidā€¦
Thanks so much Prairie homestead, I enjoyed your blog too! Love sharing recipes :)

Hi Joanie, our friend in Arizona calls us once a month to tell us how warm and happy he is and how is grapefruit are growing! :) Gotta love that warmer climate.

Chai Chai, I hear you I hope you don't get anymore.

Oh no Perri! I think it's just to remind us not to get too carried away just yet :) Hopefully it will just leave us alone soon so we can enjoy some nicer, non muddy, or snowy, weather.

Oh rub it in JR! Just kidding :) Wow, I've been wondering if that would happen here, although likely not so dramatically. I'll complain once it's hot, I like it cool, in between, and we have about a week of that perfect weather a year!
Jenn @leftoverqueen saidā€¦
We got the same storm in northern Vermont! Happy spring!

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