The great tree operation 2010
Yesterday we woke up and suddenly it was above zero and everything was melting. We never saw that coming. We loaded up the tractor with chains and ropes and headed out to try and get our tree home.
Thankfully Kevin was able to drag it across the dam, because trying to rope it and winch it would have been a mess. Once it was on the same side of the creek as we were, it was easier.
However we still had to drag it uphill, through a pond that was now melting rapidly, and through some Juniper to get it to the tractor.
Once we got it to the tractor, we lifted it onto the bucket, strapped it, and Kevin drove it through the Juniper bushes, a few fields, and, down the road to home.
We could not get it through the front door, so we had to use the front loader of the tractor to lift it up to the porch, so we could bring it through our sliding doors. Then we measured inside where the tree would go, and cut two feet off the tree to make it fit.
So we have a 12 foot tree.
Then we brought it in the house. Because it got so wet during it's journey since it wasn't going through snow as usual but rather water and slush, it melted all over the living room floor. Many towels and an hour later, it stopped raining.
We are making memories, so it's OK. This is how it's suppose to go.
It was all we could to get it set up and watered in one day, we were exhausted.
We decided to go visit our cousins and bring some pizza.
This is backwoods pizza delivery, homemade, there is no take out here!ļ»æ
We had fun, they played with the laptop a little bit and played some games... and we looked at pictures and told stories as usual.
Their dog Scout passed out before the rest of us.
This morning it was pouring rain, and making everything a horrible mess. It turned everything into deep slush, but as soon as the temperature drops it will all freeze and it will be so dangerous and difficult to get around.
We managed to get the tree decorated, it took about 4 hours. It looks really nice. We keep saying we'll get a smaller tree and next year we likely will, but this one is one of the nicest trees we've had. This is our 6th tree we've hauled out together.
Jim worked hard trying to string lights on the 12 foot tree. I think Kevin enjoyed getting a break from it!
I took a few pictures tonight but you cannot see the entire tree in one shot unless I move the couch, so I'll do that later to get better pictures.
Most of our other decorations are still piled up and scattered around, waiting to be dealt with tomorrow. Our village isn't up either. If we have time tomorrow we'll put it together, it's another big project.
Tomorrow is my last day of freedom. I'm almost packed and ready to go, I've got some of my favorite magazines to keep me occupied and a few books for when I'm not sleeping and warm socks, I've learned there is nothing more important when in the hospital for surgery!

I'm sure all the boys, human and fur will survive while I'm gone, but I cannot wait to come home and be in my own bed. My doctor says I should be able to come home Friday so I hope so.
I'm sure all the boys, human and fur will survive while I'm gone, but I cannot wait to come home and be in my own bed. My doctor says I should be able to come home Friday so I hope so.
For now I'm off to sit by the fire for a bit and just enjoy the lights of the Christmas tree that takes up most of the living room!
Best wishes for post-surgery recovery.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers Donna and I know you will be back home soon and that Kevin will make a fine looking nurse for you :-)