Rainy Sunday
It's a rainy, cloudy, Sunday, and I'm so grateful for it. It's given me an excuse to rest and not feel guilty about it. A good day to snuggle up with the dogs and a hot cup of tea and watch cooking shows and do, pretty much nothing, other than take care of the kids and dishes.
Our wonderful friends from Germany came to visit the farm yesterday. We had a lot of fun and were so glad they came. We hope they had fun too. It was great to see them and get to share the animals and our place with them for a little while. It was a very fun day! We went for a ride in the ATV's, even though it was a little rainy, there was no bugs out and it was actually good driving weather.
We saw this little guy out and about

The creek is getting ready to change and the soft Maples are turning red already!

Soon the creek will be at it's most beautiful, it's at it's worst in late summer, looks wise, it's brown, and sleepy.
The salmon Pastrami was good! It's so strange how the salmon cures. It's sweet, salty, and suprisingly tasty. It's almost the texture of salmon candy. It really works well and I will make it again. I think I am also going to try my hand at making some real salmon candy. I'll have to pull out the smoker for that, so it will have to wait until it cools off outside.
The creek is getting ready to change and the soft Maples are turning red already!
Soon the creek will be at it's most beautiful, it's at it's worst in late summer, looks wise, it's brown, and sleepy.
The salmon Pastrami was good! It's so strange how the salmon cures. It's sweet, salty, and suprisingly tasty. It's almost the texture of salmon candy. It really works well and I will make it again. I think I am also going to try my hand at making some real salmon candy. I'll have to pull out the smoker for that, so it will have to wait until it cools off outside.
Anyway for the salmon, simply rinse off most of the brine, and then either thinly slice it or just pull it apart into small pieces and that's it, then you eat it! However you'd like to. It's good on it's own, or with onions and sour cream, or anyway you can think to eat it.
I love these pickled red onions, they are great in almost everything, tuna salad, with meat, in a chopped salad. And with salmon.
I make a couple jars at a time to have on hand. They keep in the fridge for over a month, but if you use your water bath canner and process them you could keep them much longer.
Ferd the baby bunny is getting huge! and he's started eating pellets. He is still on milk replacer but also managing pellets on his own. He's showing some interest in hay but doesn't seem to quite know what it is yet. He's growing like a weed, and doing very well.
The dogs are having fun fooling around and playing today.
it's time for a refill on my tea.... ah the luxuries of a lazy day!