Even hotter now!


It's over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and super humid, the past two days. Yesterday was the worst day I've seen in a long time, it was difficult to breath. It was terribly hard on the animals and us. Today there is a wind picking up gradually and it is moving some air around, so there is relief in the shade and it's helping quite a bit. It's still really hot though and we will not be cooking inside today.

Our washing machine broke two days ago, just after we got home from looking at NEW washers. Think it was trying to tell us something? We really cannot get the new washer/dryer set right now, especially when it was only about $50 to fix our existing washer. That's because Kevin was able to do it himeslf once we got a hold of the part, which our local appliance man had for us, thankfully. It wasn't fun but it was pretty quick and it's working fine now.


We had a load of towels in it when it decided to quit, so it was full of water and heavy, soaking wet towels. Drying clothes outside in the summer is the best thing to do, but these were 100 pound towels!

The goats had some cucumbers yesterday which they really enjoyed. They will eat just about anything of course, but they all ate up every bite of cucumber.


I made cabbage rolls yesterday which probably wasn't the best thing to do in the heat, but I had a craving and I needed to make sure the recipe was solid since I'm going to make these for a pot luck on the weekend we are going to. They turned out super delicious, and I'm addicted. They were pretty easy, just labor intensive. I've made them before, but this was a little different recipe and we really liked this one a lot.


We didn't get a lot done yesterday except for fixing the washer and just the basics, it was just too hot to bother with anything but keeping everyone watered. The dogs despite the heat played like crazy, as usual.... I got some pretty cute pictures of the two boys...




The Prairie dogs always sleep like this, except they were warm last night, so they were out of their nest completely, it just cracks me up how they sleep, especially when they are all flat out like this:


Ferd has gone down to once a day milk feedings now that he is drinking water, eating pellets, and hay. He's doing really great and is such a sweetheart. He is like a reincarnation of our snugglebunny, one of our first rabbits, and Nibs, my heart bunny. He's got her looks and his personality, almost. Nibs hated men, and Ferd doesn't, which is a good thing, especially for Kevin. Nibs was the jealous type.

We are all looking forward to some cooler weather, especially at night.


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