hot & humid again


Today it's warm and sunny outside. Kevin cut the grass yesterday, and the fruit trees by the pond are doing amazing. All the ponds are low right now.

The deer have been really showing up in the yard and the apple tree field. Two of our does have fawns this year, one has twins. We are a little surprised to see them around so early this year. We hope it's not a sign of a bad winter approaching. At least for now, we can just enjoy the warm, still green weather and not know what is to come.


My cherry tomatoes are going crazy we can hardly keep up with eating them. I haven't been able to pick the green ones to make pickles because they are red before I know it. This past week we have been out every single day, so being away from home so much makes it hard to keep up with everything here. I've got some beautiful red peppers too.

I caught Douglas sneaking a cherry tomato on me, he's terrible at that.



Today was a catch up, and, clean up, since we've been gone so much. This week won't prove to be any slower, or the coming weekend.

Ferd is really growing and soon will be able to start getting weaned...

Dale, the last remaining of our first Prairie dogs we got in 2008, is now living with the four we adopted last December. She is getting a long with them pretty well, nothing like Chip & Snuggles whom she was very bonded to. But everyone seems content enough and they are all sharing the same nest which is a very good sign.


It's suppose to continue to be warm, a little too warm for me and the animals, but it will cool off soon enough.

Back to work.


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