Logging, and wet snow


We went logging again today. It was warm and the snow was heavy and wet under our feet. We pulled in a few smaller dead trees, I think we got 7 total which will give us enough for now. Tomorrow we'll split it all up. We didn't have the energy today to do that as well, and it was late when we finished. The trees gave us all kinds of trouble while winching them up the hill and then dragging them out. Kevin put me to work hauling chains AND cable. That cable is hard to pull! I think it was all more difficult with the heavy wet snow. Each time we go out I learn a little more and get a little more comfortable. You definately have to be 100% focused. It's difficult and dangerous work if you are not watching and being careful.



It started to snow later this afternoon while we were working. Wet snow. Big wet fluffy flakes falling down. It was really damp out, the really damp cold that gets inside your bones. But spring is coming, I can feel it. You can even smell it in the air. It's changed. The cold has changed too from a bitter sharp cold, to the damp cold of spring.

Kevin had to work on his chainsaw again, it's been causing all kinds of trouble. We have multiple chainsaws of course, but this one seems to want to quit and call it a year. We have all kinds of wood to start hauling in to keep our fire buring for the maple syrup arch too. Time is running short.


Up at the barn no one was thrilled to be out. The goats don't like wet on their feet. Izzie is gaining weight and looking great, she's really, really growing. It's time to start training her to walk on a lead right away, now is the time to learn. She was kicking when she came, when you'd get behind her, but I've been working with her, getting behind, rubbing her sides, patting her butt, getting her used to me. She hasn't kicked since I started working with her. Now's the time to get her used to it, when the kick doesn't hurt! When she's big, it will!

We went to Syracuse NY yesterday, Kevin had appointments at the VA hospital. We did a little shopping since the store there carries the nitrate free bacon. And several other things. I love Canada, but one thing I don't appreciate is the fact we have a very limited assortment of breakfast cereals. I'm not kidding. The last time I saw Captain Crunch Berries I was about 6 years old. Then they took it away. My girlfriend tells me they also took Kix cereal away too. But yet across the border, they have it. I bought 5 boxes. I also bought this stuff called Marshmallow fluff, which I think we might have here as well but I've never bought it or tried it. I thought it might be fun. Apparently people actually eat something called a "fluffinator" which is a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich? I don't think I'll try that. But there is a recipe for fudge that uses it, I am going to try out.

The coyotes were really bad last night. When we came home late I went up in the dark to feed again and the dogs were acting really weird. I thought they maybe killed something, or something bad happened. Flavious wouldn't even come to me. He finally did but I knew something wasn't right. Then as soon as I got to the house I heard the coyotes in the same place by the cedar swamp yipping and yapping away. We think they must have made a kill.

When we were bringing the logs into the woodyard, the animals were milling about waiting for bedtime so they could go inside...





It's time to make more baby formula and head up to the barn to feed the kids and Izzie and get the animals in the house settled for the night. I am pooped. Kevin got the fire roaring and it's nice and toasty in here, and just about right for us to relax for a little bit!

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